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Sun Tzu & Fatal Errors
    Francisco Goya, The Disasters of War - By Jim Kirwan 12-28-12
    The Traitors first and biggest mistake was to fail to understand
    that armed Americans have NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE.

    We have lost Habeas Corpus. We have lost the right to ‘Due Process’.
We have lost the 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech: To think or speak
freely and to challenge the government on everything government does—but
especially during ‘times of war.’

    We’ve lost the entire Bill of Rights that was guaranteed in the Bill
of Rights in its entirety. Now we’re losing the protections in the Second
Amendment—but NOT without a fight!

    Without the right to keep and bear arms to defend ourselves the public
is about to embrace permanent SLAVERY. This would effectively end any and
all pretense about there being a real government in this place. USI is
illegitimate in every way—except in becoming the POLICE-STATE that it has
always been, on-the-public-record, for the entire world to see.

    What’s missing is that fatal moment when this government enacts
illegal and criminal enforcement (interference) with their
most-recent-criminal-ban on any and all privately-held firearms.

    If that happens Hell will be unleashed.

    The globalists will be unfazed.

    But the half-wits will remain insanely ecstatic;

    Until they begin to see exactly what they’ve wrought

    But it will be too late

    To put anything back together again

    Sanity has been thrown away and replaced by traitors, but there are
some long overlooked flaws in this so-called global plan for the USA.

    Militarily there are huge flaws in this governments “plans” for us.
Their contention that government is massively all-powerful and will simply
CRUSH any public rebellion that might occur is not just wrong, it’s
hopelessly mired in PR-LIES that the government has actually begun to
believe. The whole of 2011 was spent trying to embed this supposed fact
within the co-opting by Soros (Soros got away with this failure in 32 other
nations first, and just like here they all had some success then failed).
Here Soros used the OCCUPY-MOVEMENTS around the country. Most kept quiet
about these protests because of where their funding and their socialistic
agendas came from, and because clearly we could see that even their speeches
were being written by machines, they were proud of not having leaders—it was

    But there was a much more important fact that most people overlooked.
The armies of cops and military forces in every case came not from the
cities where the demonstrations were held, but rather from whole states in
which the demonstrations were to happen. In Oakland the cops came from the
surrounding 9 counties, and not just from Oakland, In NYC the cops came from
all over the state and some from out-of-state to stomp and crush protestors
on Wall Street and elsewhere. The entire charade was never representative of
either the protestors or the authority-thugs. The goal was to show up our
idiocy and the non-violent children as failures, to accomplish nothing at
all, while they were beaten, arrested and assaulted by overwhelming brute
force without a shred of any law that would protect anyone from the thugs
who did whatever they felt like doing to the public. Their menu included
torture, beatings and murder. No punishment at all for the real criminals,
no charges for anything they did to the public for an entire year. Just in
case the public had any doubts about who had the RIGHT to act and who DID

    However in the coming War on the USA  the previous false-flag of the
OCCUPY charade, has no meaning: Because the truth about who has the power
and who does not—was never correctly shown to the public—despite all the
dramatic and violently-sadistic videos, all of that was just bad theater.

    The public has this government and its thugs

    Completely surrounded in every place in America today.

    The armed Americans have the government outnumbered by at least a

    But maybe by a million or more to one.

    Our so-called military forces are the most inept force the world has
ever seen. How can that be? Just look at Vietnam, that lasted for 15 years
and we lost. Look at Iraq which lasted 20 years and again we lost. In both
cases this country threw in the most massive fire power ever seen on earth
and supposedly the best military-forces ever to take the field. In both
cases we had total domination over the skies and while we continued to win
every encounter we lost both wars!


    The reasons are both simple and complex. We LOST because we were never
there to win, but to rack up profits for the
congressional-military-industrial-prison-complex, which we did.

    But while we were raking in our-illicit-profits, behind the scenes, we
were also turning our children and our so-called troops into murdering
sadists, rapists and baby-killers, just to keep things going. Now we’ve
decided to expand our targeted nations to include all of Africa (32 more
nations  in addition to the 16 wars we are already involved in), just to
keep our soldiers busy while this government rapes and murders the country
that those USI-IDF troops will come from—the USA.

    Believe it or not there is a direct connection between what happened
to our troops in those TWO LOST WARS, and what is about to happen now. In
both Vietnam and Iraq and virtually everywhere else US forces have always
been SUROUNDED by the local-people. The same thing is true here—except that
the Americans are ARMED, as neither the Vietnamese nor the Iraqis ever were.
This population has been spoon-fed on our military society since they were
infants, and we have millions upon millions of ex-military and ex-cops of
all kinds that will fight and resist these cowards that want to do this
TAKEOVER with paper orders and empty intimidation. They will be met with
bullets, firepower and real resistance if this continues…

    THAT’S WHY this government MUST DISARM AMERICA!

    When the USA commits itself to DISARMING its citizens, there will not
be even a reserve of cops to attack the armed Americans, because each place
will have its own problems to attend to—and there won’t be enough manpower
to aide any particular place for long. The public will overpower and kill
the forces sent to kill them, because none of those illegal thugs will
actually have any BACKUP to count on. And you can forget importing troops
from “other places”, because this is a HUGE country and any ‘other forces
need only to wait out the carnage until we are much weaker and far easier if
they still want to fight over a scorched earth that no one can ever live in

    Basically the government, wherever it is in America, will be stranded
because all of it will be isolated from all that interconnectedness and all
those built-in backup systems which all depend upon having everything
remaining functional. That will simply not happen anymore. Supplies will not
be able to move, starvation and empty shelves will begin within three days
and chaos will rule the cities, while the general breakdown of the nation
will favor the population that is not trapped in the cities. The cities
themselves, many of which will burn to the ground, will be the first thing
to go. Emergency vehicles will not be able to move, not to mention the
number of hellish gang activities, or The-Day-of-the-Locust mentality that
will turn everything that was once something into nothing-recognizable ever
again. This has all been written before in the tortures, the murders and the
slaughters that we’ve already done a thousand, thousand times before.

    Apparently this feral-government of ours wants to RISK all of this
because if they cannot DISARM us, then it is certain they will be going to
jail, or facing extremely ugly deaths. And they all know it now (which is
why so many have already begun to go into hiding).

    ARROGANCE is the other huge problem that the Globalist-Zionistas are
facing. Sun Tzu notes that ‘arrogance’ can be a real problem for any force
faced with a real-rebellion. These creatures have been hunting the free
people of the world for thousands of years just to get to this place where
they can finally move in for the kill—as soon as we can be DISARMED—but that
will not go nearly as smoothly as these NAZI’s have wished “it will be”.

    “A people cannot simultaneously live free and be bound to any human
master or man-made institution, especially to politicians, judges,
bureaucrats and faceless government agencies. The Second Amendment along
with the other nine amendments of the Bill of Rights was designed to prevent
individuals’ enslavement to government, not just to guarantee people the
right to hunt squirrels or sport shoot at targets, nor was it included in
the Bill of Rights just to guarantee individuals the right to defend
themselves against robbers, rapers and lunatics, or to make sure the states
could raise a militia quick, on the cheap to defend against a foreign
invader or domestic unrest.

    The Second Amendment was designed to ensure that individuals retained
the right and means to defend themselves against any illegitimate attempt to
do them harm, be it an attempt by a private outlaw or government agents
violating their trust under the color of law. The Second Amendment was meant
to guarantee individuals the right to protect themselves against government
as much as against private bad guys and gangs.

    That is why the gun grabbers’ assault on firearms is not only, not
even primarily an attack merely on the means of self-defense but more
fundamentally, the gun grabbers are engaged in a blatant attack on the very
legitimacy of self-defense itself. It’s not really about the guns; it is
about the government’s ability to demand submission of the people. Gun
control is part and parcel of the ongoing collectivist effort to eviscerate
individual sovereignty and replace it with dependence upon and allegiance to
the state.

    Americans provisionally delegated a limited amount of power over
themselves to government, retaining their individual sovereignty in every
respect and reserving to themselves the power not delegated to government,
most importantly the right and power to abolish or replace any government
that becomes destructive of the ends for which it was created. The Bill of
Rights, especially the Second and Ninth Amendments, can only be properly
understood and rightly interpreted in this context.

    Politicians who insist on despoiling the Constitution just a little
bit for some greater good (gun control for “collective security”) are like a
blackguard who lies to an innocent that she can yield to his advances,
retain her virtue and risk getting only just a little bit pregnant—a seducer’s
lie. The people either have the right to own and bear arms, or they don’t,
and to the extent legislators, judges and bureaucrats disparage that right,
they are violating the U.S. Constitution as it was originally conceived, and
as it is currently amended. To those who would pretend the Second Amendment
doesn’t exist or insist it doesn’t mean what it says, there is only one
legitimate response: “If you don’t like the Second Amendment, you may try to
repeal it but short of that you may not disparage and usurp it, even a
little bit, as long as it remains a part of the Constitution, no exceptions,
no conniving revisions, no fabricated judicial balancing acts.”

    …The Founders intended that a well-regulated militia was to be the
first, not the last line of defense against a foreign invader or social
unrest. But, they also intended militias to be the last, not the first line
of defense against tyrannical government. In other words, the Second
Amendment was meant to be the constitutional protection for a person’s
musket behind the door, later the shotgun behind the door and today the M4
behind the door—a constitutional guarantee of the right of individuals to
defend themselves against any and all miscreants, private or government,
seeking to do them harm.

    The unfettered right to own and bear arms consecrates individual
sovereignty and ordains the right of self-defense. The Second Amendment
symbolizes and proclaims individuals’ right to defend themselves personally
against any and all threatened deprivations of life, liberty or property,
including attempted deprivations by the government. The symbolism of a
heavily armed citizenry says loudly and unequivocally to the government,
“Don’t Tread On Me.”

    Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence said,
“When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear
the government, there is tyranny.”

    Both Jefferson and James Madison, the Father of the Constitution, also
knew that their government would never fear a people without guns, and they
understood as well that the greatest threat to liberty was not foreign
invasion or domestic unrest but rather a standing army and a militarized
police force without fear of the people and capable of inflicting tyranny
upon the people.

    That is what prompted Madison to contrast the new national government
he had helped create to the kingdoms of Europe, which he characterized as
“afraid to trust the people with arms.” Madison assured his fellow Americans
that under the new Constitution as amended by the Bill of Rights, they need
never fear their government because of “the advantage of being armed.”” (1)

    We have a spoiled and frightened public composed mostly of
self-centered cowards that have always DEMANDED protections for and FROM
everything in life. Most of them have never had to fight for anything they
actually believed in. This is where the real differences between the patient
Armed-Americans and the mob are clashing at the moment. That is also the
point where Sun Tzu notes that the patient forces are in a much better
position than where the over-eager passionless manikins will always be and
are destined to always fall short.

    The farce within this final straw will determine what happens to the
mob and to the rest of us in what was the USA. All we need to win this final
confrontation is 3% of all those that have armed themselves against the
coming of this day and make no mistake we shall win this confrontation. The
real challenge is about winning without DESTROYING the entire nation, along
with these VENOMOUS-MONSTERS, that have been trying to kill us all for a
thousand years.

    Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it! Why not
BE the EXCEPTION to this age-old paradigm?

    “A heavily armed citizenry is not about overthrowing the government;
it is about preventing the government from overthrowing liberty. A people
stripped of their right of self defense is defenseless against their own
government.”  Lawrence Hunter 12/28/12

1) Gun Control Tramples On The Certain Virtues Of A Heavily Armed Citizenry

    BACKGROUND:     It Really Is This Simple
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